Friday, February 10, 2017

Individual Research Blog Post

The purpose of our project is to determine if there are any significant differences in protein size between freshwater fish and saltwater fish.

From previous studies, we know that salinity content can affect protein activity in fish blood (Peyghan et al), and to expand on this subject, we decided to inspect whether salinity content can also influence fish muscle protein. Proteins are chains of amino acids linked together to form primary, secondary, tertiary or quaternary structures. There are certain factors that can affect protein structures, such as temperature and pH level. In our case, we inferred that saltwater fish and freshwater fish must have evolved different structures of proteins in various sizes to adapt to the salinity content of their habitat.

Peyghan, Rahim, Gholam Khadjeh, and Ala Enayati. "Effect of Water Salinity on Total Protein and
Electrophoretic Pattern of Serum Proteins of Grass Carp, Ctenopharyngodon Idella." Veterinary Research Forum : An International Quarterly Journal. National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2014. Web. 10 Feb. 2017.

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