Friday, February 10, 2017

Individual Blog Post

In our group project, we are comparing the muscle tissues of three mollusks (scallop, mussel, octopus) and three arthropods (shrimp, lobster, and crab). We will be running each of these through protein gel electrophoresis. We hypothesized that scallops will be the outgroup due to it having a more distant ancestor.

We predict that the arthropods will have a more recent common ancestor while the mollusks will have a more distant ancestor because the mollusks lack segmentation (Shapiro 2010). We believe that the arthropods evolved from the mollusks due to segmentation. The arthropods contains an exoskeleton that is segmented and has specialized functions (Shapiro 2010). For example this segmentation allows crabs to have claws.

Nathan Shapiro. The Myth of the Common Segmented Ancestor. 2010 October 3 [Cited 2017 February 10]

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