Friday, February 10, 2017


BIO& 212 AA

Using Gel Electrophoresis to Find Evolutionary Relationships Between Cow, Turkey and Chicken.

The experiment focuses on extracting proteins from cardiac and skeletal muscles of cow, turkey and chicken and running a gel electrophoresis to determine the relationships between them.
Phylogenetic studies have helped reveal evolutionary relationships between organisms that presently exist or are already extinct. Scientists primarily use DNA, RNA and protein from organisms to make evolutionary conclusions. Protein being present in all living organisms makes it easy to work with and was used in this experiment. Also, proteins differ from species to species and even from one organ to the other in an organism. That is, a cow and a fish will have different proteins and muscle proteins of the heart will differ from that of the brain in the same organism. These properties provide a reliable background to develop an argument.
The goal of the experiment is therefore based on the hypothesis that, “Animal muscles that serve similar functions will share similar proteins.” For instance, if the heart muscle of a cow and that of a chicken are compared using proteomics, similarities will be seen because of their similar function. The experiment is however intended to focus on intra and interrelationships between cardiac and skeletal muscles of the cow, turkey and chicken. Muscles are made primarily of the proteins, myosin and actin. To detect relationships, gel bands of tested proteins are compared with the bands of standard actin and myosin.


Haurowitz, F, Koshland, DE. 2017. Protein. <>. Accessed 2017 Feb 08.

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