Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Group Project Individual Blog Post
By Jinmei Wang 
  For our group project, my group decided to do a compare and contrast three sample muscle tissues from a chicken and a turkey. Our hypothesis is the tissue sample we used will have more similar protein structure with the tissue that has the same function in a different organism than the tissue that has a different function in the same organism. In this lab, we chose heart, tight and breast as our sample organ and total we will have 6 samples. We will run our sample twice in the gel in order to reduce errors.
  One reference that I found is a medical journal called “Comparison of the transcriptional landscapes between human and mouse tissues”. This journal was published by the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. According to this journal, it says, “Studies have indicated that gene expression is often conserved and is more similar between the comparable tissues of different organisms rather than within tissues of the same organism”. This journal also suggests that gene expression is more similar among tissues within same functions in two species than different functions in one species. The researchers used testes, brain, liver, cardiac and skeletal muscle and kidney tissues to run their experiments because they found out that these tissue’s genes are generally more highly expressed. In my opinion, this journal would help suggest our group’s hypothesis and give evidence that our hypothesis is testable.

Work Cited 
Lin S, Lin Y, Nery JR. Comparison of the transcriptional landscapes between human and mouse tissues. 2014 Dec 2.

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