Thursday, February 9, 2017

Ghazal Salehi individual part of group work.

Ghazal Salehi
Biology 212
Feb 6,2017

In this group project, we are using Duck and chicken to extract protein from different organ tissues. The main goal of this lab is to understand whether different tissues with different functions contain the same amount of actin and myosin in them. In this project, we are using both, duck and chicken heart as a source of cardiac muscle, wings as skeletal muscle, and stomach as smooth muscle. Actin (thin filaments) and myosin (thick filaments) are the major proteins in skeletal, cardiac and smooth tissue along with troponin and tropomyosin. Each muscle contains many proteins that help the tissue to function in a specific way, there are major similarities between these three tissues and many differences. In this experiment, we are collecting an equal amount of tissue from heart, stomach, and wing of each sample to extract DNA. Then, using gel electrophoresis to measure the band of action which should be detected at 44000, having the thick band.Myosin shows two light bands with a molecular weight of 18000 and 24000. Troponin having a molecular weight of 31000 and 38000 showing another two light band. Tropomyosin can be seen at 51700 and 54700 with two thick bands. Using this information we can determine where tissue such as cardiac that pump blood to the body has the same proteins as the wing on an animal that is made of muscle tissue.

                                                                   Work Cited
Sigma-Aldrich. Molecular ladder. ( Accessed Feb 6, 2017)

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