Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Group Research Project - Individual Blog 2

Group Research Project - Individual Blog Post #2

     For our group project, we wanted to see if there are many different protein contents that found in three different organisms: chicken (free-range and cage), shrimp and milkfish (wild-caught and farm-raised). In the beginning of our project, we predicted that the organisms who are free living (free range and wild-caught) would have more protein contents than the same species ones that raised in a cage. After running the first gel electrophoresis, we surprised that our results do not support our prediction. Therefore, we had some difficulty as discussing if we should run the second gel or start a new project hypothesis. But we decided to keep going with our project hypothesis because this is science!!

      In our error analysis section, we will discuss about overflowing sample into another well while loading, which could lead to incorrect results. However, I knew that we had two empty wells in the gel, so we decided to loaded the samples in these two wells and voided the others.   

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