Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Research Project Blog #2 (individual blog)

Research Project Blog #2 (individual blog) By David Tang

              In our group has used two gel to test our protein muscle that comparing light meat (breast: chicken, duck, turkey) and dark meat (leg: chicken, duck, turkey) in the same organism. The first gel that we have tested show in every bands are looks similar to each other, that surprises me because our prediction is light meat and dark meat will have different protein sequence. So by the first result light meat and dark may look different but their protein sequence is similar to each other.

However, in our second gel are look totally different, in second gel the first 3-4 wells have shown the bands, but in well 6 only have one band and well 5&6 have 3 bands. We immediately know this gel have gone a lot of error, I have a clear understanding of this error was due to the meat are really dry on that day lab, so during the experiment I do expect the second gel won’t come out pretty. So the second gel will be our error analysis section. After the experiment we will start doing analysis data and ready the presentation power point.            

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