Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Group Research Project - Individual Blog 2

So far, our group has performed two gel electrophoresis tests in order to compare the breast and leg muscles of chicken, turkey, and duck. The first run was successful and showed distinct bands. However, unlike our hypothesis predicted, the band lengths were very similar in all wells. This suggests that red and white meat may not be as different as they seem.

Our second run was not as successful as the first. Unfortunately, while loading wells, some liquid intended for well 7 fell into well 8. We tried to collect the unwanted sample out of well 8 but decided to just leave that one as a blank. The samples originally planned for wells 8 and 9 were placed in wells 9 and 10 respectively. After running this gel, the bands were very dark and blended together. I assume this is because the gel wasn’t evenly balanced like they were in the first gel when wells 1 and 10 were blank. We will definitely discuss this error in our error analysis section. My advice to other groups for future tests is to always have an even amount of blank wells on each side of the gel in order to achieve quality results.

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