Thursday, February 9, 2017

Group Project Individual Blog Post

Group Project Individual Blog Post #1
By: Nhy Tran 

     For my group’s research project, we will be exploring to see if there are many different protein contents that found in three different animals: chicken (free-rage and cage), shrimp and milkfish (wild-caught and farm-raised).
     While doing some research, I found a research article called “Effect of Free-range Rearing on Meat Composition, Physical Properties and Sensory Evaluation in Taiwan Game Hens”. This article talks about the experiment of Taiwan game hens that were raised in three different environments (cage, floor-pen and free-range). Based on the results of this article, the cage group had a higher crude fat content in breast and thigh meat than the free-range group, while the free-range hens had a higher content of proteins and collagen. According to these results, I hope that we can find some significant differences of protein contents in the chicken that we will do the experiment on. 

Lin C-Y, Kuo H-Y, Wan T-C. Effect of Free-range Rearing on Meat Composition, Physical Properties and Sensory Evaluation in Taiwan Game Hens. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2014 Jun [accessed 2017 Feb 8]

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