Friday, February 10, 2017

Research Project Blog #1 (individual)

I will identify how clam, mussel, squid, oyster, and scallop are related in phylum, as well as molluscs, and how these three samples of molluscs relate with arthropoda, specifically shrimp.

My research will be based on the result of gel electrophoresis after running: shrimp, clam, mussel, squid, oyster, and scallop. Database of marinebio species from "MarineBio Species Database -", it helps to set up hypothesis and able to predict for the research. By looking their phylum, class, order and family, I can predict how each species have more similar protein pattern. I will organize these five different species by analyzing the protein components. Since, clam, mussel, squid, oyster, and scallop belong in the phylum, molluscs they will have same proteins, ancestral trait. Shrimp won’t share the proteins these similarities, because shrimp is in arthropoda. With this information I will set an outgroup first, and compare proteins based on what which ones they share.

"MarineBio Species Database -". MarineBio Conservation Society. Web. <>. Accessed 16:46 PM 2/8/2017.

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