Friday, February 10, 2017

Research Project Blog #1 - Individual - Jenny

Na Nguyen
Bio 212
Research Project Blog #1

For our group, we are trying to do a comparison of the muscle cell between a chicken and turkey by comparing the 3 parts: leg, heart and breast.
Chicken and turkey are pretty similar to each other, so they will have similar or even same muscles and protein in each part of their bodies. The three types of muscles in a turkey or chicken are smooth, cardiac and skeletal. The smooth muscle can be found in the organs, gizzard, and many other parts. The heart is where the cardiac muscle at. Lastly, the skeletal muscle is muscle that help with activity and moving that in the leg and breast.  
If the turkey and chicken are closely related, then the body parts of Turkey and Chicken are very similar in protein and muscle of each part. Cardiac muscle plays an important role in the heart because the contraction of the muscle helps to pump and delivery oxygen and blood from the heart to body cells. The skeletal muscle in either a chicken or turkey are pretty similar, because the legs are tend to move more and get more oxygen so it is darker compare to the breast. The white meat like breast contain a lot of glycogen, where the leg is dark meat have lot of more myoglobin.

Dr. Jacquie Jacob. Avian Muscular System. Extension. 2015 May 05 [access 2017 Feb 02].

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