Friday, February 24, 2017

Individual Research Project Blog Assignment 2

I was surprised to see the similarities of muscles in all three specimens. I did not expect quadrupeds to have such similar proteins with bi-pedals. Our group also did not have as much smudging in the lanes as we had in the first gel. I think we held the pipet at an angle when loading the first dye, which the pipet was held more vertical when loading the second gel. Overall, I saw more similarities than differences in our gel which, helped me think of advice to give other groups.

My advice to other groups is to think of all possibilities. If there was a slight deviation to the protocol make sure you consider whether that negatively or positively affected the results you got. Also, another piece of advice is to make sure at least two people in your group traces the gel. My other lab partner had a steadier hand which, let them trace in between the proteins more accurately than I. 

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