Friday, February 24, 2017

Individual Blog Post #2

In our experiment project, we are comparing the differences and similarities between cardiac muscles and skeletal muscles among animals. So that, we are able to know how these muscles relate and whether or not they serve the same functions. The results from two gels came out the same that means there was minimal number of errors we made during the experiments. By looking at the migrated distance of proteins, we concluded that two types of muscles could have the same proteins and/or serve the same functions. We were surprised that the portion of relation between chicken and turkey was a little greater than that of turkey and beef/cow. Based on this interpretation, we could do a research to find how and why this could happen.

Our purpose in this research is to find the relation of protein of muscles among three specific animals chicken, turkey and beef/cow. We expected chicken and turkey to share more common proteins than beef/cow. As I discussed on the first paragraph, we are finding the answer for the question. This is also the question we have for other groups. Would it be possible for two animals that are closer in characteristics to have less common proteins than other group of animals that are further in characteristics? If yes, how are they different and how do other students/groups interpret the results?

Figure 1. Photograph of gel was collected after 48 hours of staining. From left, Kaleidoscope standard, chicken heart, turkey heart, cow heart, chicken leg, turkey leg, beef meat and actin and myosin.

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