Sunday, February 26, 2017

Individual Blog Post #2

Honestly, I don't feel our group has had a lot of challenges thus far. Our project consists of evaluating the proteins between organisms to see if the proteins between organs or within an organism are more similar. Our first gel turned out pretty well as did the second. We did have a few lines that were either too faint or too dark/runny. This may have been due to the amount of tissue we used for testing, which will be discussed in our error analysis section.The only other issue I can think of has been our group having enough time to get together to work on the project. We all have very different schedules so it's been hard to coordinate.

Questions I have for other groups are; How are you guys dividing up work/ collaborating? Why do you think some lines on the gel or faint while other are very dark/runny?

1 comment:

  1. For my group, we have divided work up before for the Lab Report. I have two of my group members on Facebook so we communicate on there when determining who is going to do what and for our collaborations. I think the lines that are very dark and runny are because of too much tissue being added to the microtubes. My group had the same problem both times, we added far too much tissue than what was needed. This will be in our error analysis as well.
