Saturday, February 25, 2017

Ghazal Salehi
Individual blog part 2

One major challenge we came upon in this lab is the noticeable differences between the results we collected from two gel electrophoresis we collected. We ran two gels on two different days, However; Our second gel did not provide collectible data. We stopped the second electrophoresis at 30 min since our gel partners lanes were reaching the end of the gel.  Lanes on our gel did not travel as far as the lanes on the first gel. We can visibly see all the lanes on the first gel while our second gel provides lanes that are too close to each other and as a result tough to read. As a result, we decided to use data only from our first gel.
Another error we made at the first lab was forgetting to centrifuge our extractions. Because we wanted to keep our steps constant and compare the data we decided not to centrifuge our second set of extraction that we prepared for the second gel.
For error analysis, we will discuss how not centrifuging our product affected our overall result.

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