Thursday, February 9, 2017

Group Project Individual blog post #1

In our project, we will be testing the phylogeny of five mammals (cougar, cow, bear, pig, and sheep) and one avian(turkey) in the protein test group.
We will be testing how closely related the mammal groups are by testing their protein samples in a gel electrophoresis. We expect to run this lab using the same general protocol from the fish protein lab. We predict the turkey will be our out group as it is an avian. The cougar will be on the outskirts of the phylogenetic tree as well for it is a carnivore, the bear and pig are omnivores, but the rest are herbivorous ungulates.
Our ungulate test samples belong to the same order, artiodactyla, which is characterized by the presence of even number of toes (2/4), have different pre-molars than the other order of ungulate (perissodactyls), and have a greater range of motion in their ankles than perissodactyls; due to a “double-pulley” mechanism in the talus bone region. (Ferguson S, Preston P.) For this reason, we expect the ungulates to be closely related in terms of their phylogeny.  
Ferguson S, Preston P. WELCOME TO THE UNGULATE COLLECTION. Natural History Collections: Ungulates. 1997 [accessed 2017 Feb 8]. 

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