Friday, February 24, 2017

Research Project Individual Blog Assignment #2

By doing this project so far, one thing really confuses us is the result part. We did use the same procedure for both lab,however, after running the second gel, we find out its much different than the first one. The second gel actually shows up that it has more bands than the first one and appears that the second one is more indistinct. We made a decision to use the data from the first gel, but we don't know how will this affect our results. In our project, we have protein bands from two types of muscle, heart and breast from several different species. The second thing confuses us is, even though those protein bands are from different parts and species, but they look similar to each other. Except for the outgroup, there is not much significant differences between those bands. We didn't expect this when doing our hypothesis. And the members in our group have measured the distance between each bands, but how do we know which one we should use to avoid the errors.

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