Friday, February 24, 2017

Gretchen Janes' Individual Blog Post #2

One challenge that our group encountered was that our data did not support our hypothesis at all. Our hypothesis was that the would be a difference in the proteins found in farm raised versus free/wild organisms because of their lifestyles and environments but our data did not reinforce this. It showed the exact same proteins between all the of the organisms we tested. After that first gel we all had to discuss where we wanted to take the experiment next. We still decided to do our second gel the same way so our data would be more credible instead of changing our entire experiment because then we felt like our presentation wouldn’t be as good. In our error analysis we will discuss how it’s possible that the organisms that were bought were not labeled correctly. Also the fact that when an organism (like the chicken) is called “free-range” that doesn’t necessarily mean that are free to roam around in large areas, it could just mean that they get to be outside sometimes.

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