Friday, February 10, 2017

Research Project Blog #1 (Individual Post)

In this research project, we are analyzing and comparing the different muscle tissues of arthropods and mollusks to show whether there are any correlations between the two phylum.
Typically mollusks would have a hard shell or exoskeleton protecting its soft bodies from predators. There are many taxas in the Mollusca phylum. The three different mollusks we will be using for the experiment will be scallops, mussels, and an octopus. The scallop and mussel are classified as Bivalvia, and the octopus is classified as a Cephalopoda. Even though there are different taxas of mollusks, they share some similar traits. The mollusks all have a body that has a head, a foot, and a visceral mass (Bunje). 

Paul Bunje, 2003. The Mollusca Sea slugs, squid, snails, and scallops. University of California
Museum of Paleontology. [cited 2017 Feb 10].

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