Friday, February 10, 2017

Research Project Blog #1 (individual blog)

Group Project Individual Blog Post
(Jaena Ristel Bautista)

For our group experiment, we will be exploring the differences in protein content between farmed meat and wild caught meat or farm raised or free-range meat. We will be using three different kinds of meat for comparison; this includes farmed and wild caught milkfish, farmed and wild caught shrimp and farm raised and free-range chicken. The purpose of this project is to determine which meat is better with respect to protein content between same species raised in different environments. Will a free-range chicken or wild caught fish and shrimp be healthier for us or not?

An article from CBS News reported that there are farm industries that raise salmon fish poorly. Pollutants like PCB’s are higher in farmed industries; also, farm raised fish are given antibiotics to stave off disease and are treated with pesticides to combat sea lice. On the other hand, wild caught fishes are more natural and free. From this information, I am expecting that there should be some difference between farm-raised and wild caught meats.


News, CBS, 2014. Wild-caught or Farmed? The Diner’s Dilemma. CBS News, CBS Interactive; [cited 10 Feb, 2017].

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