Thursday, February 9, 2017

Research Project Blog #1 (Individual Blog)

In our project, we are testing muscle proteins from the leg and breast muscles of turkey, chicken and duck to analyze there fast and slow twitch muscles to see how they correlate with each other.

We are testing the different muscles from turkey, chicken and ducks to see if the meat from breast and leg meat will have any similarities between different types of birds.  The breast from the turkey and chicken meat is lighter meaning that they are fast twitch and the leg is darker indicating slow twitch muscle. Then since ducks are flying birds they use their breast muscles to flap their wings and fly, so are mostly dark meat (Lynch 2014). Therefore, duck meat should have a closer resemblance to the leg meat in the other bird’s meat. Then the breast meat from the chicken and turkey should have a close resemblance of each other.

The properties of the muscle that gives it the color of light or dark is due to the protein myoglobin which stores oxygen. The more myoglobin proteins there are in the meat cells then the darker it is. The purpose of having more myoglobin in the dark meat is because the dark meat is slow twitch muscle fibers which can endure lots of long time energy and to be able to achieve that you need oxygen to be able to power these muscles for long activity. Then there is the slow twitch that don’t have a lot of myoglobin and they don’t need it because they just need a little bit of energy because these muscles aren’t meant to sustain activity they just give out short fast bursts of energy therefore only using a smaller quantity of oxygen stored and produced.


Lynch, Dennis. "Thanksgiving Turkey 2014: What Is The Difference Between Dark Meat And White Meat?" International Business Times. N.p., 27 Nov. 2014. Web. 10 Feb. 2017.

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