Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Blog Post Assignment #2: Discussion and Error Analysis

     Our group is comparing three sample muscle tissues from a chicken and a turkey.  We are using heart, tight, and breast meat for testing samples.  The hypothesis we came up with is the tissue sample we used will have more similar protein structure with the tissue that has the same function in a different organism than the tissue that has a different function in the same organism.  We were having a little challenge when observing the gel. The gel we made during the first lab, it was kind of fuzzy.  The lines for the gel are kind of sucked together, so it was a little hard for us to look at it. But the second gel we ran was all good. The lines were separated neatly, it was clear and we can easily look at it except some of the lines were really light, we had a little disagreement about were the line there or not. But eventually we reached a compromise.

      We discussed about why the first gel didn’t separate well and we made changed when we set up for the second gel. When we were setting up for the first gel, we just cut the samples in the size that we want. And we figured that that’s probably why the gel didn’t run well, for each different muscle has different density and structure, even though it looks about the same size, the protein weight might be huge difference. That’s why during the second gel, we weight all of our sample and the gel came up to be much better than the first one.   

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