Tuesday, April 11, 2017


  • What did you choose to observe? Why did you choose to observe this.
  • I was looking at different type of protist  in today's lab.
  • How long did you choose to observe your organism.
  • I was observing them for the whole time of the class but something that got my attention it
  •  was the pond water.I spent about 10 minuets on because it was really amazing to see those small  creature are moving around so fast.
  • Describe your observation and note at least 3 specific things that you observed.
  • they move so fast specially cosmarium my team mate try to take a picture of it but it was going really fast so it was so hard. it was really tiny and also the color was green which means it has chloroplast in it.
  • Are there any abiotic factors that influenced your observation? If so, what are they.
  • Because I was looking at the protist I do not think there is any antibiotic in protists
  • Would you change anything about your mode of observation the next time you do it?
  • maybe if I had more time I would spent more time to observe their movements.
  • Write at least 3 scientific questions based on your observation.
  • Did the protist in pond water have cell walls?
  • where is the green color coming from?
  • Do the need light to survive?
  • Write 1 hypothesis based on the questions above.
  • the protist in pond water are be ab to do photosynthesis process.

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