Sunday, March 19, 2017

service learning project

1. Explain in your blog post what your service learning project is and how it relates to animal biology.

For my service learning project, I volunteered at the school’s farm/garden on Tuesday march 7th from 11:30-1:30 . This relates to our animal biology class because the garden is a habitat for many animals. There have been coyotes, owl’s bunnies, raccoons and numerous other animals spotted in the garden visually or through a wildlife camera they have set up looking at the farm garden. Therefore, our actions planting plants and watering them give a place for animals to come. In addition, I saw some worms which are key to a garden.

2. Explain exactly what you did and include photo documentation.

What I did during this volunteer opportunity is first went over and helped carve this super cool canoe out of a solid piece of wood with these sharp tools that I used to scrape and chunk wood off the main piece to give it its shape. Then I also went in the green house and planted pees and wound them up on a lattice structure that they grow on. After I planted some I watered them then I headed out and planted some more plants in a spiral garden.

3. Include the title of the project or event and the number of hours you volunteered. Include the name and email of the event organizer who can verify your attendance at the event.

The event was just the usual weekly volunteer hours they have there at the farm and I volunteered there for two hours. The event organizers email is: she would be able to verify my attendance because I signed in soon as I got there and when I left.

4. What were the goals of the event/organization that organized the event.

The goals of this event were to learn more about the farm how it works and all the different opportunities you must do things there. In addition, learn more about what it’s like to plant different plants and learned ways to making and shaping a wood canoe.

5. Summarize your duties at the event.

My duties at this event were to carve as much of the canoe as possible and to stay within boundaries that were marked on the canoe and make the shape a uniform curve. Also, to practice carving skills he showed us to properly, most efficiently and safely carve the wood. In addition, planed plants in the dirt in the green house and in the spiral garden bed.

6. Reflect on how this experience affected you and your thoughts on the role of science in society and/or the importance of your service to your community. This type of reflection can easily be used to strengthen personal statements for academic programs and job or internship applications.

This helped me think of the importance of volunteering to the community after talking with the volunteer helping make the canoe he had great stories of how he has traveled and made quite a few of these canoes and made them with local tribes over in eastern Washington. Made me think of how amazing it is that just by carving a canoe you can help you meet and bond with people your problem never would. In addition, made me realize that it would be great to volunteer at the farm again because it was fun and interesting hearing all the different activities they do throughout different seasons especially with spring and all the harvesting of the plants.

7. Make a connection between what you did for this Service Learning Project and the material we covered in this course.

 One connection between this volunteering and material we covered is because I saw a bin they have where they put all there compost and they have a ton of worms or annelids. And how these worms eat and basically poop it out and make the dirt a lot more nutrient then they can spread the compost around the farm and gives the plants a lot better soil to grow. Then those plants attract different small animals and bugs then which in turn attract birds or predators that prey on these small animals and bugs. This reminded me of the food chain and how something simple as a garden can bring habitat for so many different animals.

8. Provide at least 4 questions that were raised based on your experience.

Some questions that were raised during this experience were…
1. How effective is the garden and the success of the plants based on the resources that are available to the farm?
2. Why the bees they have die off every winter and are not able to pull through and survive like other bee colonies?
3. How fun it would be to ride in the wooden canoe that I helped carve?
4. How the farm could possibly use natural rain run off buildings and use that to water the garden?

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