Friday, March 17, 2017

Service Learning: Garbology

In this winter quarter on Wednesday, February 2017, I participated in the service learning call “Garbology” at Edmonds Community College from 3:30pm to 5:30pm (2 hours). This was held by Zach Bigelow, he was one of our classmates. During this event, me and our class fellows managed to collect the sorted bins as many as possible from around the college to gather the information about the stuff people threw in were belonged in that bin. These bins were recycling, compost, and trash. Furthermore, the data from this event can be used to conduct the research on environment sponsored by our school.

To get the job done, we started by weighed the initial weight of each bin, then separated the stuffs that didn’t belong in the specific bin. Finally, we weighed the final weight of the bin and did the math to find out the percentage of how much things belonged in the bin. However, we found out that there were a lot of things shouldn’t be in the recycle bin, composed bin, and trash bin. That moment, I realized that we were destroying the environment of our community by our own ignorance for thinking that every separated bin was just a trash bin and throw anything into any bin.

After I have done with this service learning, there was one thing I wanted to tell my friends and families, it’s “Be aware and conscious of everything we are doing, there are cause and effect everywhere.” The connection between this experience and the class is that every organism has it's preferred environment it wants to live in. If we destroy the environment, it means that we also ruin the ecosystem of the organism and cause the organism to extinct. Nevertheless, this may speed up the process of evolution by nature selection as well.

To sum up, I volunteered in service learning called "Garbology", I collected garbage and took some data from it to keep it as a information for someone who what to do the research on environment and sustainability with Edmonds Community College.

Zachary’s information:
Four question:
1. Where does the recycling end up?
2. What is recycling's greatest economic benefit?
3. Can recycling save energy? If yes, how much energy is saved by recycling?
4. Why are some things recyclable and others are not?

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