Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Service Learning: Cultural Kitchen Cleanup and Repairs

Service Learning: Cultural Kitchen Cleanup and Repairs by Na Nguyen

      In this service learning I have chosen the Cultural Kitchen Cleanup and Repair locates next to Campus Farm behind Meadowdale building. We have learned and know more about three methods of outdoor cooking. The 1st one is the "Pizza" Oven, I forgot the proper name, they used recycle materials like bottles and pottery to made that oven, use to cook pizza, tortilla,... The second one is regular fire pit, and the clippers we put around the pit is what they use to cook the salmon. The third one, they use river rock to absorb heat from the fire and steam the claims and any shellfish with the heat from the rock. They use river rock to avoid breaking and splatter everywhere. We helped with cleaning up the salmon clipper, sanding and oil them, pick up trash, planting. I got to see the EDCC bug hotel and many different animals that we had learned in class. 
    In 3 hours project, Juliene started with cooked up some water for us to use for cleaning or otherwise we would get frostbite from the super cold water. While the water been cooking, we cleaned the clipper that use to cook the salmon, sanded them with sandpaper and coated with vegetable oil go get them ready for the next powwow at school in May. After that we did some wedding and planted lady fern like the picture below. We also built barrier so others would about the lady fen and not step on them.

       I didn't know about the Service Learning till this quarter. This experience helped me to know more about the Phyla and animals from those Phyla in the real life environment. As we did some planting, I saw a lot of Earthworms, surprised about their sizes in those nutrients soil and some has a lighter color than others. I saw spiders and other insects as well. The Bug Hotel is pretty cool, they built them with wood and other things for insects and bugs to live and not being step on because that place always have people come in and out.
         As I mentioned I didn't know about the Service Learning till this quarter. I regret not knowing about it. I really enjoyed the experience, got to know a lot of people, and learned a lot of things about Cultural Kitchen and Native culture. It's a place for everyone, we can come and hand out with others. It was built because of students ask for a place for community to come together and have fun. I would love to help out more next quarter. 

How did people came up with a place like this Cultural Kitchen but not a regular outdoor place?
How many different Phylum in the garden, and how do we know that bug and reptiles would come and leave in the bug hotel? 
How many people know about this place and would come to join and help out? 
Do we have the Service Learning for Cultural Kitchen every quarter? 

Contact information:
Juliene Wall
Phone: (425) 640-1882
Email: juliene.wall@edmail.edcc.edu

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