Friday, February 24, 2017

Research Project Blog Assignment #2

The largest challenge that we have faced so far is the inconsistency of the gel samples, with the intensity of the lanes varying from sample to sample and run to run. None of our samples ended up with too much protein so as to render the lanes unreadable, however our samples across the two gel runs are not all the same intensity, with some of the bands towards the end of the gels being difficult to see due to faintness. This indicated that an insufficient amount of protein ultimately made it into the gel well, which can most likely be attributed to preparing meat samples that are too small, the fact that we did not centrifuge either of the experiments, or a combination of the two factors. Making sure to weigh the samples beforehand to get the same amount of protein in the lanes across each run would help eliminate the uncertainty about the amount of protein initially introduced into each test tube.

Questions for other groups:
If you centrifuged your samples, did you find that it increased the amount of protein in the gel, and made the lanes easier to read? Or did it result in too much protein, making the bands towards the top of the lanes too blurred to measure with precision? And if you weighed each sample, did you find that each sample of identical weight resulted in identical intensity of electrophoresis bands, or could any variance in intensity be attributed to other factors?

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