Friday, February 10, 2017

Research Project Blog #1 (individual blog)

Our research project is to find out if proteins from the same tissue/organs of different organisms will have more similarities or will the proteins of different tissues within an organism will have more similarities.  Proteins are very important because its presence and functions dictate the phenotype of an organism.  Though the DNA is also important because it provides the coding sequence to make a protein, but we know that not all DNA get transcribe into proteins (Freeman et al, 2014).  The genetic makeup can be very similar but when compared on the protein level it can be very different among organisms.  This is due to expression on that gene in the organisms (Annenberg 2016).  Since not all genes present will be expressed, this is why we want to compare the proteins within and between closely related organisms. 


Freeman S, Allison L, Black M, Podgorski G, Quillin K, Monroe J, Taylor E. 2014. Biological Science. 5th Ed. San Franciso CA: Pearson Benjamin Cummings.

Annenberg Learner: Rediscovering Biology Unit 2 Proteins and Proteomics. [Internet]. Annenberg Foundation. 2016.  (cited 2017 Feb 9). Available from:

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