Thursday, February 9, 2017

Research Project Blog #1 (individual blog)

For this resarech project our group will be using Protein Gel Electrophoresis to compare 5 mammal’s protein (cougar, bear, pig, sheep, cow) and an outgroup (Turkey) to see if we can find similarities in the structures of protein to link them to one another phylogenetically. We predicted that since the Cougar is the only carnivorous mammal that it would branch off first. This would be followed next by the Bear due to that fact it is omnivous and non domesdicated. Then the pig becaue it is omnivorous aswell but domesticated. The reason behind putting sheep and cow together at the end is they are herboviors with a true ruminant disgestive system. True ruminants, such as cattle, sheep, goats, deer, and antelope, have one stomach with four compartments: the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasums. (Parish J, Rivera D, Boland H.). This similarity in digestive tract lead us to believe that similarity in muscle tissue would arise the closet between these two sets of animal protein when we run the Protein Gel Eletrophorsis. The group decided to follow Bio Rad Manual that was used in the fish protein lab only changing the amount of samples that would undergo Protein Gel Electrophoresis from 5 to 6.

Dr Jane A. Parish, Dr J. Daniel Rivera  Dr Holly T. Boland. Understanding the Ruminant Animal's    Digestive System. The Beef Site. 2009 Aug 22  [accessed 2017 Feb 9]

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