Friday, February 10, 2017

Individual Blog Post

We will be testing four different species of fish and compare the relativity of their proteins based on their habitats which will be freshwater, saltwater or both.

The species we chose to compare are salmon, tuna, catfish, and trout. Tuna lives in saltwater while trout survives in freshwater. Salmon and catfish survive in both of these ecosystems. The fish muscle will vary between each other as the crude proteins will vary depending on the moisture content and it ecosystem (Shahidi et. al, 2009). The protein profile will be determined through the process of protein gel electrophoresis and will be compared to each other by the gel band travel as well as its molecular weight.

Venugopal V, Shahidi F. 2009. Structure and composition of fish muscle. Food Reveiws International [Internet]. [cited 2017 Feb 10] Volume 12, 1996 -  Issue 2 . Available from:

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