Friday, February 10, 2017

Indicidual blog Post.

Our research is about looking at any differences of protein sequences between red meat and white meat of 3 different birds, which are chicken, duck and turkey.

It is widely known around that consuming red meats are less healthy than consuming white meats. From my experience of living in different countries, the one fact that everyone seems to listen is to avoid eating red meat. Referring to American Institute for Cancer Research, it is recommended that we reduce our red meat consumption to reduce the chance of cancer. Those red meats are referring to beef, lamb and pork, but we would like to see if red meats themselves are different from white meats in general.  We specifically used birds to test red and white meat difference because they have both red meat from their leg and white meat from their breast. This can tell us if red meats are different that white meats in animals and across different animals, and see if red meats have common protein sequence throughout different birds.


American Institute for Cancer Research [Internet]. 2009. Washington, D.C.: American Institute for Cancer Research; [02/10/2017]. Available from:

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