Friday, February 10, 2017

In this project, we will be investigating the phylogenetic relationships among Molluscs and Arthropods through protein gel electrophoresis.

We will be using six species in the analysis; scallop, mussel and octopus will be included in the group for molluscs, and shrimp, lobster and crab will be included for arthropods. Will be using muscle tissue from the six species in order to determine any phylogenetic relationships between arthropods and molluscs.

A research article provides insight on the phylogenetic relationships between annelids and molluscs, as well as between annelids and arthropods. The article states that annelids and arthropods have been widely accepted to be each other’s closest relatives due to their similar segmented body structures. However, the study further tests the hypotheses on the phylogenetic relationships among annelids, molluscs, and arthropods by establishing a phylogenetic tree using molecular and morphological data among the three phylum. The molecular data includes the use of 18S ribosomal RNA gene sequences. The tree conveys that the molluscs and annelids form a monophyletic group and suggest a more recent common ancestor with one another than do annelids with arthropods (C.B. Kim 1996).

C.B. Kim, S. Y. Moon, S.R. Gelder, W. Kim. Phylogenetic Relationships of Annelids, Molluscs, and Arthropods Evidenced from Molecules and Morphology. 1996 September [Cited 2017 February 10]

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